Friday, July 21, 2023

Larry Correia on Twitter: "This is just so pathetic and sad. Holy shit, dudes, move past high school already. Quit believing this vapid, shallow nonsense. There's more to life than this crap. Here's some basic reality checks for you, young dudes. And this isn't just some old happily married Gen X guy…" / Twitter

Larry Correia on Twitter: "This is just so pathetic and sad. Holy shit, dudes, move past high school already. Quit believing this vapid, shallow nonsense. There's more to life than this crap. Here's some basic reality checks for you, young dudes. And this isn't just some old happily married Gen X guy…" / Twitter

Larry Correia
This is just so pathetic and sad. 
Holy shit, dudes, move past high school already. Quit believing this vapid, shallow nonsense. There's more to life than this crap. 

Here's some basic reality checks for you, young dudes. And this isn't just some old happily married Gen X guy telling you this out of touch stuff who caught the last chopper out of Saigon. Off and on for the last 20 years I've been some kind of youth advisor in my church, mostly 16-18 year olds, and I've got 3 adult kids at dating age right now, and though our current society has its head up its ass, it certainly isn't this black pilled doomer internet nonsense level bad. I get invited to a lot of wedding receptions for happy 20 somethings who've got their shit together, and most of them weren't Chads. 

We all knew Chads while we are young. Dude gets the chicks... And? A few years later those guys have either moved on with life and found a wife, or they're still doing the meaningless hook up thing, and all the married guys aren't envious. We feel sorry for them. 

No. Seriously. I know if you've got a really shallow grasp of humanity that sounds like a lie, but it is true. The older you get, the less all that meaningless shallow shit matters. 

Dudes who are Chads when they are young are just regular dudes who happened to have some physical gifts or a lot of confidence. They aren't a separate species than you. Quit talking to yourself like you're shit. 

All that physical stuff? Humans age man. It is what it is. You go to your 20 or 30 year high school reunion and all the dudes look the same now. Everybody gets fatter, slower, thicker, and balder. Hell, I was a nerd then, but am in better shape now than some of my high school buddies who were super jocks then. 

It just don't matter that much. You and Giga Chad will be taking the same blood pressure meds at 50. :D 

And the women? Same thing. Especially after they start having kids. Plus, let's be honest. Girls don't look like their heavily filtered, cherry picked, Instagram shots in real life right now. They sure as shit won't in ten years.

I had a buddy in college who was a Giga Chad. Good guy. Dude was tall, buffed, super charismatic, great looking, played the guitar, drove a cool car, chicks digged him, etc. Except he just kind of plateaued there, and stayed in a college a whole lot longer than he should have because he thought he was living the dream. 

So by the time I was friends with him, he was several years older than the rest of us because his peers had kept settling down and moving on. From the outside, the guy had everything. In reality he was depressed and lonely, because even as he hooked up with a new hot chick every week, none of that actually meant anything, while his buddies found their one girl and moved on with their lives, and started having kids. 

Eventually he figured out that he was his own worst enemy to real joy, slowed his roll, reorganized his priorities, and quit being a man whore. Last I heard he was living in a different state, had married a nice girl, and had a decent job--nothing fancy--that paid the bills, and he was happy. 

This whole harem fixation? Fucking gibberish man. Outside of professional pimpery, nobody wants that. That's what 12 year olds think sounds awesome. Every dude I know who goes down that road ends up unhappy and unfulfilled, and with a shit ton of crazy drama in his life (because guess how girls who go for that lifestyle rank on the hot/crazy matrix!) 

Being a Chad when you are young doesn't mean you're going to get the sweet job, fat paycheck, and all the promotions. Sometimes, it helps, and usually the biggest thing there isn't the six pack abs. It's that the dude exudes confidence, and confidence gets you through interviews. Charisma helps people in business. That is just what it is. 

But competence, work ethic, and intelligence usually beats out having a strong jaw line long term. Those dudes you dismiss at work because they're tall and good looking and you think that's why they got promoted over you? That's cope. They are also usually better leaders than you because they're not crying about how the world has wronged them on the internet, and instead they're out there thinking they are awesome. And in business, if you look successful, people assume you are successful, and treat you like you are successful. That's why salesmen wear nice watches. 

Guys who fixate on this meaningless bullshit will never be happy, because they are comparing their lives against a fake ass fairy tale. They see that rock star lifestyle, banging an endless series of hot chicks, and driving around in Italian super cars... but then they don't ask gee whiz, how come dudes like that keep ending up in rehab, or why'd he hang himself? 

That's because that vapid shit doesn't actually matter that much, and some people are super good at marketing themselves, are actually profoundly lonely and depressed. They've got the whole world, but no connection. No foundation. You can't fill the hole with things. 

What matters is people, loved ones, family. Traditions you can pass down. Do honorable things. Find ways to serve. Find your passion. Create. Make the world a better place. 

Don't waste your time on trash. Find a mate who shares your goals and values, and be a team, and then bring kids into the world and teach them to be awesome. And then they can go on, standing on the shoulders of giants, and do even greater things than you ever dreamed. 

That is what matters. 

Yeah, I am biased. I'm an old Gen X dude who has been happily married to an intelligent, gorgeous, charming woman for 25 years, who has been my partner in crime, and who has provided me with 4 amazing kids who are growing into happy, responsible, human beings. I'm extremely successful. I kick ass in a field that I love. I get to do what I'm passionate about. 

But I wasn't a Chad by any measure. I was a chunky, super poor, farm boy, who was into nerdy shit, growing up in an immigrant community where nerdy shit was emphatically NOT cool. I was clumsy and had a goofy sense of humor. My family life was a train wreck and because of that I had zero confidence. I was the opposite of a Chad. 

It wasn't until my late teens that it finally started to dawn on me that all of this social hierarchy stuff was total fucking bullshit. It's arbitrary shallow nonsense. 

I was the only person who could decide what I was worth. And so I decided I was going to be more. Then you just do whatever it is you need to do to be that. 

Get religious. Figure out your place in the universe. Once you realize you actually matter, you'll start to act like you matter. 

But most importantly of all, young dudes, get off the fucking internet. :D

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